Playing The English Gentleman - Story Plots & Summary | Playing The English Gentleman Notes

Playing The English Gentleman - Story Plots & Summary | Playing The English Gentleman Notes

      Playing The English Gentleman By M. K. Gandhi


The article 'Playing the English Genti ticle "Playing the English Gentleman' is written by M. K Gandhi. In this article, Gandhi writes about his days in England where he was staying as a student. Gandhi narrates how he practiced vegetarianism and how he tried to cultivate himself as an English gentleman, in the end realizing that it was necessary to groom himself as a good student, and not an English gentleman.

Playing The English Gentleman Summary & Story

    Gandhi was staying in England as a student. His faith in vegetarianism was growing rapidly. He read several books on vegetarianism written by well-known authors such a Salt, Howard Williams, etc. Gandhi was experimenting on his own diet taking into consideration his own health and religion. Gandhi had a friend who sincerely believed that Gandhi would ruin his health and career if he practiced vegetarianism. Once, the friend invited Gandhi for dinner at the posh Holborn Restaurant. When soup was served, Gandhi wanted to ask the waiter if it was a vegetarian soup. On this, the friend remarked that Gandhi was too clumsy for decent society and told him to go away from the restaurant. Gandhi gladly left the place. He did not eat anything that night as he could not find any vegetarian restaurant open. Yet, he accompanied his fiend to the theatre for a play. Their friendship was not affected.

    Later, Gandhi thought of developing himself as an English gentleman. Gandhi spent some money and bought for himself clothes of English fashion. Gandhi learnt to tie a neck-tie and comb his hair in a fashionable manner. Gandhi also spent considerable money in taking lessons in learning French, elocution, dancing and playing the violin. Before long, Gandhi realised that it was in vain and unnecessary trying to develop himself as an English gentleman. He realised that he was chasing a false idea. He realised that instead of becoming an English gentleman, he should try to become a good student. So Gandhi Has Stopping This efforts of becoming english gentleman....

The End


Playing the English gentleman questions and answers PDF
Playing the English gentleman MCQ
Playing the English gentleman summary in English
Playing the English Gentleman Wikipedia
Playing the English gentleman in hindi
Playing the English gentleman questions and answers
Playing the English gentleman notes
Playing the English gentleman MCQ questions and answers


Kingrareglove said…
kalo susah sgt, bg je pnampar setan
azarsyafiq said…
gua tak tampar kot cik adik emma watson..gua akan bagi dia didikan dgn penuh hikmah..wahaha..

tapi kalo psl isu KLCC tu mmg gua nak bg penampar kat pompuan tu..pasal dia bangang sangat nak kat laki tak hensem muka durian buruk tu.. ape masalah cik2 adik cun zaman skrg ni takde taste pilih laki?? haish.. kalo masalah cmni tak timbul for sure gua da tak single da..wahahhaaha..

tu mmg gua kasi bukan takat penampar setan..penampar dajjal illuminati tros gua kasi..haha..
The Z A M said…
In a coffee shop.

Perempuan A: You have been 'going' so far, hun. What are you thinking about?

Lelaki B: Ah, nothing.

Perempuan A: You selalu tipu. It can't be nothing. (dgn gaya bitchy)

Lelaki B: Well, it's nothing.

Perempuan A: *Sulking*

Lelaki B: *Telling lies this time* All right, I am thinking about you.

Perempuan A: ah, liar!

Lelaki B: *Blur*

Question 1: Who's complicated being now?
Fact 1: Guys could think nothing as in real nothing at least for 15minutes, while girls don't.
Ka-E said…
tak abes2 dgn emma watson die.. haha.. takpe2.. walaupun agak impossible utk emma watson bace entri ni, tp entri ni rasenye dah byk tolong org pompuan yg bace... mmg champion la! hihi~
azarsyafiq said…
zam: yeah itulah dia kata2 lelaki sejati contoh idaman ibu mentua seMalaya..huhu.. okeh zam ak forward contoh tu kat cik adik emma watson nanti..kasi die lebih paham..haha

kak kaE: Emma Watson tu yg mintak nasihat kasi je laa..die bace ke tak tu terpulang kt die..wahahaha.. yeah ntuk semua gak ni.. bleh kate ntuk mengenali enche' penulis secara subliminal jugak ni..hahaha
hahahaha...azar2..mcm2 aa ko nie...
bg nasihat kat emma, harry potter baru nie dah tgk ke lum?..
Unknown said…
angan2! dissy da siap lom? hahah~

btw,ak xrse pon kmplikated sgt. watpe nak belit2 klu jln yg ade kt dpn tuu lurus je? hahah~ anyways, antra lelaki n klcc nape lak pmpuan tuu nak plh klcc? ak xphm. klcc tuu lebih hensem ke? hahaha~
azarsyafiq said…
shari: blom tgk lagi laa..nnt laa ak nk g tgk dgn emma watson..tunggu wayang tu surut sket org gi..bukan ape..malas skandel..huhu..nnt ak buat review..haha

al: mmg klcc tu lg hensem..laki tu pon tak hensem ak rase..hensem lg aku..huhu
azar: bukan emma watson ko dekat kat sini je kerrr?????walaweyhh....hahahha :P
azarsyafiq said…
emma watson smbung study kt america laa..ko salah org nih..wahahaha